

Recycled paper

For those who value the environment or for various occasions organized in a rustic style, this recycled paper is the perfect choice. We can make wedding invitations made of recycled paper in various sizes, folded or simple. There is a possibility of individual shapes.
We also offer recycled envelopes that complement the concept and facilitate shipping activities.
For the production of recycled paper the highest quality, hand-selected waste paper is used.

Color paper

It is a decorative paper, colored in the production process. It will give your invitations character and a unique look.

White paper

Aesthetic and simple solution. Bleaching is done without the use of chlorine. We have a choice of different thicknesses of paper from 80g to 400g, in the option of smooth mat, gloss and offset - slightly rough, best for writing with a pen and plume.


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Recyklus Printing House
ul. Kożuchowska 20b (budynek wzorcownia)
65-364 Zielona Góra

Customer service (De/En/Es)
+48 509 166 697